Ban Inefficient Products

Ban Inefficient Products: The “Top Runner” policy, mandating on-going resource-saving product improvements in the manufacturing process, to become legally binding, progressively banning the least efficient products.

Energy efficiency is defined as the provision of greater energy services per unit of energy input. It focusses on the employment and amelioration of technologies and processes to deliver a maximum amount of services with a certain input.

Thus, efficiency alone does not necessarily reduce overall energy consumption, if efficiency gains are consumed by an increase of energy services. In order to reach a real turning point in the patterns of our energy consumption, we have to address consumption patterns, ban inefficient products and energy awareness, as much as we must improve the efficiency of energy services with new technologies.

The fact that despite efficiency gains, overall energy consumption continues to increase, proves that we have to do more than to wait for better technologies. In addition, population and economic growth will be the main drivers of increased energy demand for decades to come.

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