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Our current economic activity and productivity is threatening the natural world on which we all depend. By reducing biodiversity and climate stability, we are not only endangering our quality of life but our very existence as well as our equity and dignity.
We need to change our relationships – with ourselves, with each other and with our planet – to ensure a sustainable, fairer and more inclusive future that facilitates social equity and dignity. We have a responsibility to consider the consequences of our daily actions upon future generations. Ensuring their protection and representation when decisions affecting them are taken can overcome the ruling short-termism and help us re-connect with our Earth.
A world of equity and dignity can only be realised by tackling the connected challenges of safeguarding human rights and security, ecological integrity, social equity and peaceful relations. Together, we can create a sustainable world, which is equitable and peaceful, by ensuring that our solutions address the root causes of threats to our shared future.
Future Justice aims to reverse unsustainable trends and work towards policy solutions that create fair conditions and a better quality of life for current and future generations. Find out more from our online resources and blog.